Supervisors & Leader Resources | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.

Searching for resources to help you and your team succeed?

You've come to the right place. Below, you'll find links to many commonly accessed HR policies and institutional resources. Log in to the Intranet for more Manager resources.

HR Training for Managers & Supervisors

The TTUHSC Division of Human Resources coordinates a range of learning opportunities for our team members to acquire new skills and knowledge relevant to their roles, included several facilitated trainings focused on HR-specific topics and administrative procedures. By offering practical training courses related to the most frequent workforce relations questions, HR seeks to empower team members, strengthen institutional effectiveness, and cultivate a supportive and engaging work environment. 

Human Resources provides a variety of Workplace Relations Training initiatives for our team members and supervisors, including live virtual classes and multi-part training series, as well as self-paced courses.

Team Member Performance Review

Remote Work

Recruit and Support

  • Benefits, Compensation and Wellness Homepage 
    • This external HR page offers details and information about many of the benefits, compensation and perks offered by the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.
    • Additional details may be found on the TTUHSC intranet, including:
  • Disability Accommodation Information
    • TTUHSC is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all qualified individuals, whether they are current employees or job applicants. Supervisors or hiring managers who are notified of a need for accommodation should immediately contact their HR campus team.
  • Employee Wellness Resources
    • Explore institutional programs, resources and information about health care coverage for a variety of needs, including physical and mental well-being.
  • Hiring & Recruitment Resources
    • Explore the employment and recruitment resources available to hiring managers, learn about contracting Search Firms, and find out more about our acquisition systems and processes.
    • Additional resources can be found on the Hiring & Recruitment Resources page on the intranet.
  • International Employment Services
    • Immigration Compliance & Services serves to help coordinate sponsored non-immigrant and immigrant visa petitions, provides employment immigration counseling, serves as the point of contact on immigration-related matters with federal and state agencies and ensures I-9 & E-Verify compliance.
  • Workforce Relations - HR Homepage
    • Explore resources and policies relating to team member coaching, conduct, and performance.